The Tarot Tea Party was a Success!

The Invitation

I did my first Solstice ritual as an officer of my fraternity in December. After the ceremony, all of the attendees, officers and Master had a dialogue with our Provincial Master. The Provincial Master called us all to be of service because this is a time when people are desiring community.

I took that away and sat with it for a little while.

I had a very positive experience teaching a kid’s Tarot class so I thought that would be where I’d focus my energy in building community.

Then came my 40th birthday.

I invited several of my witchy friends to have dinner with me at one of my favorite Indian restaurants.

Several of my friends brought decks but we didn’t have time to do readings. So we all decided to get together to exchange readings in mid January.

Soon, people I didn’t know were coming to my party!

I made a facebook event to help me organize the day. But I forgot to make it invite only.

Soon people I didn’t know were coming!

At first I freaked out and tried to make the event invite only, but what was done was done.

Then, I remembered I put it out to the universe to help me meet new people and expand community so I decided to stay calm and throw an event.

I drummed up more interest and secured a venue.

My adopted father, Chris, and I got to work on the spreads we’d share and the graphics.

I outlined the flow and added some party favors and some games.

There were a couple little snags like Facebook flagging the event because the original time conflicted with an earlier event. I had to change the time and Facebook got mad (Gotta love Facebook).

But for the most part, the whole thing came together smoothly and effortlessly. People were excited and engaged on social media and even Hooked on Colfax, the coffee shop hosting Tarot Tea Party, joined the hype!

We had a great group of people too. Everyone had a positive attitude and open mind. There was a fair amount of reading swapping, mingling and lots of smiles and laughter.

The one thing I heard from almost everyone I talked to who was at the tea party was that they got SOLID readings.

The next solid feedback was that everyone seemed to want to attend another Tarot Tea Party in the future.

I loved the energy of the event and also took some notes on what I’d like to improve on for the next tea party.

I’m thinking March will be the date of the next Tarot Tea Party. Make sure you like and follow Magdalena Tarot Inc. to stay in the loop!

So a good time was had by all.

A happy ending to a good day 💕☕️

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